Possible faults and Solutions for your slurry pumps

21  Jun, 2022

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Possible faults and Solutions for the Pumps

Fault No.1:

The pump does not absorb water


Air leakage at suction pipe or packing.Incorrect steering direction or impeller damage. 

The suction pipe is blocked.


Sealed the air leakage.

Check direction of rotation or replace the impeller

Removal blockage.

Fault No.2:

Excessive shaft power consumption 


The packing gland is too tight,the packing is hot.

Rotating component rubbing on a stationary part. Bearings worn, Drive belt tension too tight.  Flow rate too large.

Pump speed&ratio too high.

Misalignment or unparallel of drive shaft and pump shaft.


Loosen the gland bolts.

Removal the rubbed part.

Replace the bearing.

Adjusting belt.

Modifying the pump duty and speed.

Adjusting drive&pump shaft.

Fault No.3:

Bearing is over heating


Lubricants too much or less

Containing impurities in the lubricant. Bearing worn.


Lubricating as requirements.

Replace new lubricant.

Replace new bearing.

Fault No.4:

Bearing has short life


Misalignment or unparallel of drive and pump shaft. Shaft bent.

Impeller unbalanced due to wear. Foreign object entered into the bearing or insufficient lubrication.

Incorrect procedure followed in fitting bearing.


Adjusting drive and pump shaft.

Replacing shaft.

Remove rubbing and Replacing new impeller.

Clean the bearing.

Replacing or refitting the bearings.

Fault No.5:

Excessive leakage from stuffing box.


Packing rings excessive worn.

Shaft sleeve worn.

Dirty sealing water.


Replace new packing rings.

Replace shaft sleeve.

Change clean sealing water

Fault No.6:

Pump vibrates or is noisy


Bearings worn 

Impeller unbalanced.

Air entered into suction pipe or blocked.

Flow rate non-uniform and pump not primed.


Replaced by new bearings.

Replaced by new impeller.

Discharge air and remove block.

Improve on the pump feeding.